Banepa-deluxe yatayatTicket Booking

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Booking Contact Number 9843703966


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About Banepa-deluxe yatayat

Banepa-deluxe yatayat has been operational from decade and has more than 60 buses available. Some of the popular routes on which these buses travel are Kathmandu to Biratnagar.

  • Head Office: Kathmandu
  • Total number of bus offered: 12
  • Started Operating in: 2011
  • Types of Bus Offered: Deluxe Bus, Hiace, Sumo & Car.
  • Popular routes served: Ahmedabad to Bangalore, Bangalore to Pushkar, Mumbai to Mangalore, Bangalore to Rajkot, etc.
  • (11,500 Reviews)

    Discounts from Banepa-deluxe yatayat

    Banepa-deluxe yatayat


  • Minimum spend Rs 1000
  • Promo code:

  • 5%

  • Banepa-deluxe yatayat


  • Purchace ticket from Mobile App
  • Promo code:

  • 10%

  • Banepa-deluxe yatayat


  • Book a ticket of route KTM to Itahari
  • Promo code:

  • 15%

  • Questions and Answers

    I tried to book Banepa-deluxe yatayat tickets and paid online. The money has been deducted from my account however my booking has failed. What should I do?

    Do not worry, your money is safe with us. Payment failures sometimes happen due to technical snags. Even though the money has been deducted from your account, if your booking has failed, it means that we have not received the money. The money will be returned to your source account from which you’d attempted to pay within 7 days of payment failure. In case that doesn’t happen, please reach out to our customer care for assistance..

    Do I need to register to use okayjourney to book Banepa-deluxe yatayat tickets?

    No, Okay Journey does not require its customers to go through a registration process

    I want to travel on a specific date however all the Banepa-deluxe yatayat travel online booking tickets from source to destination are filled. What do I do?

    Banepa-deluxe yatayat has plenty of options to choose from if you’re planning to travel to a certain destination on a given date. However, if you don’t find any options that you like, you can request a ticket on your desired bus. You shall be wait-listed once you enter the specifics and contact details. Incase a pre-booked seat is canceled at the last moment, the customer care department will get in touch with you.

    Can I cancel my ticket online?

    Most of the tickets can be cancelled online. However, there are some tickets that can only be cancelled through our call center. However please note that the cancellation fee and cancellation period may differ for specific bus services. Please contact any of our executives for cancellation details on any specific service.

    Does the owner of the credit card with which the ticket need to be one of the passengers?

    Not at all! A passenger can use any card to pay for the ticket, not necessarily their own. However, please note that the passenger in whose name the ticket is booked should carry a proof of his identity (along with the ticket) at the time of boarding the bus.

    Does booking online cost me more to book Banepa-deluxe yatayat tickets?

    Not at all! The price of the bus ticket is the same as you would get from the bus operator too.The price of hotel voucher is the same or sometimes discounted depending on the season/time.

    How many vehicles are there in Banepa-deluxe yatayat?

    There are 5,500+ vehicles owned by Banepa-deluxe yatayat. This includes a number of luxury coaches, mini buses, and MUVs. Banepa-deluxe yatayat is best known for its interstate coach buses that operate in South India.

    I've lost my ticket. What should I do now to book Banepa-deluxe yatayat tickets?

    A copy of the ticket would have been sent to you by e-mail when you booked it. Please take a printout of that mail and produce it at the time of boarding. If you have not received the ticket e-mail, please call any of our call centers and our executive will re-send you a copy by mail.

    I missed the bus. Do I get a refund to book Banepa-deluxe yatayat tickets?

    Banepa-deluxe yatayat provides a 100% refund if the bus is missed due to either Banepa-deluxe yatayat or its’ partner company's fault. However, if the bus is missed due to any other reason not directly related to Banepa-deluxe yatayat no refund is provided.

    How much luggage can I carry along with in Banepa-deluxe yatayat?

    You can carry personal items with you like suitcases, briefcases, regular laptop bags, and handbags. For larger items, it is always recommended to call the bus operator and check before you travel.

    What payment options do I have to book Banepa-deluxe yatayat tickets?

    The different payment options are

  • Credit card
  • Debit card
  • Internet banking (Internet enabled online bank account)
  • Wallets
  • How convenient is it to plan my journey and go ahead with Banepa-deluxe yatayat tickets booking?

    With approximately 13,828 routes and more than 600 buses, Banepa-deluxe yatayat are known for their service across various cities. They put customer satisfaction and comfort on their priority list. With a large fleet of buses, Banepa-deluxe yatayat is convenient for passengers traveling interstate since they provide a huge number of route options to choose from. Other than that, they are also known for punctuality and keeping passenger safety on top of everything else.

    I want to travel on a specific date however all the Banepa-deluxe yatayat tickets online booking tickets from source to destination are filled. What do I do?

    Banepa-deluxe yatayat has plenty of options to choose from if you’re planning to travel to a certain destination on a given date. However, if you don’t find any options that you like, you can request a ticket on your desired bus. You shall be wait-listed once you enter the specifics and contact details. Incase a pre-booked seat is canceled at the last moment, the customer care department will get in touch with you.

    How convenient is it to plan my journey and go ahead with Banepa-deluxe yatayat tickets booking?

    With approximately 13,828 routes and more than 600 buses, Banepa-deluxe yatayat are known for their service across various cities. They put customer satisfaction and comfort on their priority list. With a large fleet of buses, Banepa-deluxe yatayat is convenient for passengers traveling interstate since they provide a huge number of route options to choose from. Other than that, they are also known for punctuality and keeping passenger safety on top of everything else.

    What is the shortest & the longest route covered by to Banepa-deluxe yatayat?

    Shortest route is Chitradurga to Surat and Longest route is Ranebennur to Surat.

    I want to travel on a specific date however all the Banepa-deluxe yatayat online booking tickets from source to destination are filled. What do I do?

    Banepa-deluxe yatayat tickets has plenty of options to choose from if you’re planning to travel to a certain destination on a given date. However, if you don’t find any options that you like, you can request a ticket on your desired bus. You shall be wait-listed once you enter the specifics and contact details. Incase a pre-booked seat is canceled at the last moment, the customer care department will get in touch with you.


    What is the cheapest way to get from Kathmandu to Biratnagar by Banepa-deluxe yatayat?

    No, Banepa-deluxe yatayat does not require its customers to go through a registration process

    What is the fastest way to get from Kathmandu to Biratnagar by Banepa-deluxe yatayat?

    Most of the tickets can be cancelled online. However, there are some tickets that can only be cancelled through our call center. However please note that the cancellation fee and cancellation period may differ for specific bus services. Please contact any of our executives for cancellation details on any specific service.

    Is there a direct bus between Kathmandu to Biratnagar by Banepa-deluxe yatayat?

    Not at all! The price of the bus ticket is the same as you would get from the bus operator too.The price of hotel voucher is the same or sometimes discounted depending on the season/time.

    How far is it from Kathmandu to Biratnagar by Banepa-deluxe yatayat?

    Banepa-deluxe yatayat provides a 100% refund if the bus is missed due to either Banepa-deluxe yatayat or its’ partner company's fault. However, if the bus is missed due to any other reason not directly related to Banepa-deluxe yatayat no refund is provided.

    is It safe to travel from Kathmandu to Biratnagar by Banepa-deluxe yatayat?

    Not at all! A passenger can use any card to pay for the ticket, not necessarily their own. However, please note that the passenger in whose name the ticket is booked should carry a proof of his identity (along with the ticket) at the time of boarding the bus.

    Train, bus or fly from Kathmandu to Biratnagar?

    Not at all! A passenger can use any card to pay for the ticket, not necessarily their own. However, please note that the passenger in whose name the ticket is booked should carry a proof of his identity (along with the ticket) at the time of boarding the bus.

    Different options from Banepa-deluxe yatayat

  •  NON A/C Sleeper
  •  A/C Sleeper
  •  NON A/C Seater
  •  A/C Sleeper
  •  Sumo
  •  NON A/C Sleeper
  •  A/C Sleeper
  •  NON A/C Seater
  •  A/C Sleeper
  •  Sumo
  • How to Book Banepa-deluxe yatayat Bus Ticket Online?



    Charging PortYes




    Hand SanitisersNo

    Reading LightsYes


    Water BottleYes


    Top Operators

    Air bus bageshwari ac yatayat Alfa yatayat Ambikeshwari sarwajanik yatatyat samiti yatayat Anubhav deluxe yatayat Athiti winger yatayat Ayush deluxe yatayat Bageshwori yatayat Balaji deluxe yatayat Banepa deluxe yatayat Banepa super deluxe yatayat Baraha chetra deluxe yatayat Bardiya kishansar ac yatayat Bataliyan pvt ltd yatayat Bhaira yatayat Bhairav yatayat Bihani deluxe yatayat Binayak air suspenssion ac yatayat Budha bhumi haice pvt ltd yatayat Bulet a/ c deluxe vftc prapta yatayat bulet deluxe yatayat Burtibang dhorpatan yatayat Bus yatayat Chandra surya pvt ltd yatayat Deuti deluxe yatayat Devi deluxe yatayat Dhaulagiri gandaki yatayat Dhaulagiri hiace yatayat Dhoom 3 yatayat Dhoom 4 yatayat Dhoom 5 ac yatayat Dhoom 5 yatayat Diamond yatayat Dilwale deluxe yatayat Dip jyoti yatayat Emon deluxe yatayat Fifa a/c hayash yatayat Fifa ac bus yatayat Fifa ac hiace yatayat Fifa ac yatayat Fifa deluxe yatayat Fifa dlx koshi dlx yatayat Fifa haice yatayat Gandaki hiace yatayat Ghoda ghodi ac yatayat Ghoda ghudi air suspension markopolo yatayat Ghoda ghudi air suspension markpola yatayat Ghoda ghudi air suspension yatayat Gorkha kalika yatayat Hamro deluxe yatayat Hamro luxury yatayat Har har mahadev deluxe yatayat Har har mahadev yatayat Himal terai hayash yatayat Himal terai yatayat Imon a/c haice yatayat Imon a/c hiace yatayat Imon ac hiace micro yatayat Imon ac hiace yatayat Imon haice /bus yatayat International company yatayat Jan jyoti yatayat Jay ma yatayat Jay miteri sumo yatayat Jay miteri yatayat Khapta a/c yatat pvt.ldt yatayat Khaptad air suspension yatayat Khaptad yatayat Khusi deluxe yatayat Koshi deluxe yatayat Krish 4 yatayat Kumar yatayat Lakeside ac bus yatayat Lokpriya ac haice yatayat Maa chandeshawari yatayat Maa kalyani yatayat Maha laxmi yatayat Mahakali yatayat Makalu ac yatayat Makwanpur sumo sewa yatayat Mankamna hayash yatayat Manoj lama yatayat Matri bhagya rekha yatayat Metro ac susensor yatayat Metro ac suspensor yatayat Metro air bus yatayat Metro deluxe yatayat Metro koshi yatayat Namaste kahalpur yatayat Namaste nepal yatayat Namaste rapti yatayat Namaste rapti pvt ltd. yatayat Nepal micro yatayat New ambe deluxe yatayat New koshi deluxe yatayat New krishna deluxe yatayat New kushum pvt ltd yatayat New raj deluxe yatayat New rajdevi deluxe yatayat New safal deluxe yatayat New star deluxe yatayat Ok yatayat Om hareram hare krishna sumo sewa yatayat Panch koshi pvt ltd yatayat Panch koshi yatayat Panchkoshi ac yatayat Rakesh yatayat Rambo delux yatayat Ramdut yatayat Rapti sewa pvt ltd yatayat Rolpa pvt ltd yatayat Rudraksha deluxe yatayat Sabitri deluxe yatayat Sabitri yatayat Safal ac hayash yatayat Sai baba yatayat Sajilo deluxe yatayat Sajilo imon hiace yatayat Sakira ac hayash yatayat Samay deluxe yatayat Samaya yatayat Samaya delux yatayat Samaya deluxe yatayat Sambridhi yatayat Samsung delux yatayat Samsung deluxe yatayat Sankyut travel pokhara yatayat Sanyukt ticket booking centre yatayat Sapatakoshi ac hiace yatayat Sapna deluxe yatayat Saptahik yatayat Saptakoshi a/c hiace yatayat Saptakoshi ac deluxe yatayat Saptakoshi ac hiace yatayat Saptakoshi itahari yatayat Saptarangi hiace yatayat Sarlahi ac yatayat Shital deluxe yatayat Shiv parwati deluxe yatayat Shiv shakti yatayat Shree bardiya kaswasar samiti yatayat Shubha adhikari tours travel yatayat Siddhartha sarwajanik yatayat Sidharath sarwajanik sunauli yatayat Sikharapur sumo sewa yatayat Singam 2 yatayat Smart deluxe yatayat Subha adikari travel pvt ltd yatayat Sunauli indreni ac deluxe yatayat Sunauli indreni yatayat Sundar bihani yatayat Sunliner ac yatayat Super banepa deluxe yatayat Super janmukhi nepalgunj yatayat Super rajababu deluxe yatayat Super rambo yatayat Super rembo deluxe yatayat Super rembo yatayat Super sarlahi pvt ltd yatayat Surkhet deuti deluxe yatayat Surkhet kakrebihare ac yatayat Suva yaatra yatayat com.BusesNumberSearchApi bus yatayat com.BusesNumberSearchApi hiase yatayat com.BusesNumberSearchApi yatayat Testing bus1 yatayat Tribeni darshan yatayat Tribeni darshan yata yat yatayat Trishidheswori rapti yatayat Ttt yatayat Udita a/c hiace yatayat Udita ac with viking yatayat Udita vaiking ac yatayat Ugratara pvt ltd dadeldhura yatayat Vaking ac yatayat Veri anchal yatayat जगत माता पाथिभारा yatayat फिफा यातायात प्रा.लि yatayat

    Vehicle Routes from Banepa-deluxe yatayat

  • Butwal to Kathmandu
  • Gaighat to biratnagar
  • Biratnagar to Gaighat
  • Kathmandu to Chitwan
  • Chitwan to Kathmandu
  • Dharan to Biratnagar
  • Biratnagar to Dharan
  • Kathmandu to Gaighat
  • Gaighat to Kathmandu
  • Morang to biratnagar
  • Biratnagar to Morang
  • Kathmandu to Hetauda
  • Hetauda to Kathmandu
  • Dhankuta to Biratnagar
  • Biratnagar to Dhankuta
  • Kathmandu to Itahari
  • Itahari to Kathmandu
  • Itahari to Biratnagar
  • Biratnagar to Itahari
  • Kathmandu to Sindhuli
  • sindhuli to Kathmandu
  • Sindhuli to Biratnagar
  • Biratnagar to Sindhuli
  • Kathmandu to Pokhara
  • Pokhara to Kathmandu
  • Janakapur to Biratnagar
  • Biratnagar to Janakpur
  • Kathmandu to Jhapa
  • Jhapa to Kathmandu
  • Jhapa-to-Biratnagar
  • Biratnagar to Jhapa